Sunday, October 16, 2011

Loki's Pheasant

This morning we headed out to Crescent lake with Loki for some hunting/running him in the field since he isn't a broke dog and tends to run to big. On two prior hunting attempts with Loki he ended up getting lost in the field and Ben had to pull the GPS tracker out to find him.

We decided to head out after the main hunters would be done for the day to increase our odds of having him listen and hunt with us and we got lucky as he was in the mood for both. After about 30 minutes of working we stumbled across a series of trails that we decided to give a try and to our surprise Loki found a pheasant. While he didn't retrieve it which was not a surprise since we have never worked on that with him, Ben was able to go over and collect it and decided to head back to the truck since the rain was starting to move in.

Yeah for Loki since this was his first pheasant and hopefully not the last this season.

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