Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bath Time

After a day of playing and digging we decided that Odin needed a bath. Were not sure he was too excited to take the bath as much as getting dirty but oh well he can't have his way all the time :)

Day at the dog park

This past weekend we took Odin to Luther Burbank Park so that we could check out the off-leash area as well as play in the water. Since this was his first time to the dog park and there were quite a few larger dogs already playing we decided to keep him on his leash, maybe next time he'll be ready to play with the other dogs. While we were there Ben decided that they should also check out the water which Odin really likes.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day at the lake

Odin decided to prove that he truly is a water dog and went swimming in Hicks lake when we visited the Brook's on Memorial Day. The water was nice and everyone (Mike, Pam, Ben and I) all had fun being entertained by Odin's antics as well as a nice boat ride around the lake.