Friday, October 28, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

I haven't posted a Fill In the Blank Friday for quite a while since things have been crazy busy so I thought I would take a couple of minutes and do one this week. If you want to play along you can check out the little things we do blog.

1. When I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up.

2. As an adult, my dream job would be exactly what it is- working in advertising, managing clients needs. 

3. W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like my mom.

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when my mom made my sister and I care bear costumes.

5. My favorite childhood toy was hands down Cabbage Patch Dolls. I think I have 4 or 5 of them along with tons of clothing for them.
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I ...I honestly can't remember. I was a pretty good kid and I never go in a huge amount of trouble. Boring, but true .

7. I get daily inspiration from blogs that I read and friends.

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