Monday, September 19, 2011

A Day in the Life

A few friends of mine who's blogs I read regularly have been posting their typical daily schedule --- and I thought it was a fun idea and decided to do it myself.

5:15am: 1st alarm goes off - I hit snooze.

5:22am: 2nd alarm goes off - I hit snooze.

5:30am: 3rd alarm goes off; Loki wakes up and starts barking; get out of bed and let Odin and Loki out to potty

5:45am: make Ben's breakfast and pack Ben's lunch; play with the dogs

6am:. Head into the shower

6:10am: Kiss hubby bye; blow dry my hair and get ready for the day

6:50am: make breakfast (oatmeal and yogurt) and play with the dogs

7am: pack lunch; put dogs in their kennel with treats

7:30am: leave for work

8:30am: arrive at work (Sr. Project Manager at GLG); drink coffee

8:45am - 12:30pm: write / answer emails, attend various meetings, update project trackers / documents

12:30pm: eat lunch while continuing to work

1pm: continue emails, meetings, etc

5:15/5:30pm: head for home

6:30pm: arrive at home; change into comfy clothes

6:45pm: take Odin and Loki for a walk with Ben

7:30pm: make/heat-up dinner; feed the dogs

8:30pm: relax on the couch while catching up on TV, Facebook, blogs, email or play/snuggle with the dogs

10:30/11pm: lights out and asleep before head hits the pillow

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