Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sibling Fun

We had a treat last weekend as our trainer Chris Tewes made the trek up to Scatter Creek to work with everyone and their dogs. Since Chris made the trip up to Washington everyone invited their fellow hunting friends and dogs to join us for the day. Ben and I have stayed in touch with Barbara, the breeder that we got Loki from and knowing that she is into hunting we invited her and the puppy she kept from the litter down for the day.

We hadn't seen any of the other puppies since we picked up Loki so it was a treat meeting and seeing Jake in over 2 months. Loki and Jake had a blast running in the field, playing with the other dogs when they could and of course doing what they do best- pointing or should I say chasing birds at this age.

From front to back- Jake, Odin, Loki and Lisa's friends German Shorthair

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