Saturday, February 15, 2014

All in a NYC Long Weekend

We just returned from a whirlwind trip to NYC for 5 days of fun and of course the main reason for the trip, the Westminster Kennel Club dog show which Odin was competing in. The trip to NYC was a first for Ben so it was fund getting to show him as many sites as we could pack in while we had free time.

Our traveling companions included 3 other adults and 4 other digs which made for a very cozy and crazy stay at The New Yorker Hotel. We were able to see the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the 9 11 Memorial, Times Square, FAO Schwartz, Empire State Building, Carnegie Deli for Ben's 1 pound corned beef sandwich, and we went to see the Phantom of the Opera.

We lucked out weather wise and only had snow one day of the trip but boy was it cold while we were there. We were very glad to have made our flight home before the blizzard that that hit the next day and look forward to hopefully a return trip in the future.

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