Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Loki!

Happy third Birthday to our sweet Little Dude, Loki! little boy you're one! No longer really a puppy, I take a moment to remember you as you were. You were fuzzy and sweet, and fit right on my lap where you would not leave. You cried for your First Mom, but have since learned she never really left you, only brought you to my care. You snuck under fences and stuck your face in my camera lens, making it nigh impossible for me to get a decent shot of anyone. From the first you insisted on keeping up with the big dogs, short legs never held you back. They still don't. You've done a great job showing people size does not dictate speed or ability, you defy both gravity and ride the wind. There was a day you were never called "Stinker", but you earned it and continue to earn it so I think the nickname is here to stay. But it doesn't take away one ounce of your joy, the love you express or the sweetness you show in quieter moments. Happy Birthday Melanie.

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