Monday, May 16, 2011

Kudos for Loki

This weekend Loki competed in his very first field event- the Oregon Brittany Club's walking field trial in Madras, Oregon with our trainer Chris Tewes. He has spent the last three weeks with Chris prepping for this event and on Saturday was in brace 1 of 3 braces for open puppy.

While we didn't get to see him personally run in the field trial sicne we were at another event with Odin, the update from Chris was that Loki had a good run, handled and listened well and there were some high points (good running, pointing and holding the point for a few seconds) and low points (chasing his brace mate which is allowed in puppy, chasing tweety birds) during the run but overall has great potential to be a field trial dog and we should look at continuing to have him in the events.

We also got our other piece of good news from Chris that Loki had gotten a 3rd place finish in open puppy at the event which was huge for him since he has never been in a real field event before or run with a brace mate. Looks like we have field trail dog in the making and are now looking forward to the next field trial in June for him.

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