Thursday, July 30, 2009

Heat Wave-- Records Broken!

We had history making weather on Tuesday. The temperature got up to 105 in Bothell and it remained in the 90s that night around 10pm. Being from the mid-west (Chicago) I am not stranger to heat and humidty and actually love warm weather, I do not enjoy it without luxuries like air conditioning.

We are managing to get by with a ceiling fan, box fan in the living room, lots of cool drinks, playing in the sprinkler and of course many trips to the Magnuson dog park so that poor Odin can cool off and play in Lake Washington.
Since it has been so hot and the extended forcast is also supposed to be hotter than normal we finally decided it would be a good idea to get Odin shaved so that he has some relief. Here is Odin showing off his newly shaved coat which is much cooler. While Ben loved him being on the "wild" looking side with all his feathers I'm sure he is feeling much better.

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